Powershell: Logging events in a GUI

This post will take a look at providing Powershell script output within a WPF GUI. The code will display a log of messages that would usually be sent to the console, but are easily missed by users when interacting with a GUI. This also makes it simple to display output from…

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Powershell: A GUI and Runspaces Example

There are a lot of resources available describing how to use Powershell with WPF for creating a GUI. However I found there was not very much example code that showed clearly how to put all the pieces together. To have a GUI that is usable it needs to be multi-threaded, and that can get…

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Powershell: Managing local accounts and settings

Having had to setup and manage a lot of Windows Workgroup clients recently i noticed that without Group Policy this becomes a pain pretty quickly. It is also becoming more common run a Workgroup network as small businesses ditch their servers for cloud services. As an excuse to write some Powershell i wrapped the most common changes i was making into a module ...

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Powershell: loading a registry hive from file

Powershell by default provides access to the registry via a PSProvider. Running Get-PSDrive shows this, the namespace HKCU and HKLM are available along with the defaults for the local file system and other locations. As of Powershell 4.0 the registry PSProvider can only access a registry hive that is already loaded into the currently logged on profile, it is not possible ...

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