Powershell: Managing local accounts and settings

Having had to setup and manage a lot of Windows Workgroup clients recently i noticed that without Group Policy this becomes a pain pretty quickly. It is also becoming more common run a Workgroup network as small businesses ditch their servers for cloud services. As an excuse to write some Powershell i wrapped the most common changes i was making into a module ...

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Powershell: loading a registry hive from file

Powershell by default provides access to the registry via a PSProvider. Running Get-PSDrive shows this, the namespace HKCU and HKLM are available along with the defaults for the local file system and other locations. As of Powershell 4.0 the registry PSProvider can only access a registry hive that is already loaded into the currently logged on profile, it is not possible ...

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Arch Linux install: VLAN setup for libvirt

There are a number of ways to connect virtual machines together, all of them make use of a Linux bridge device (a virtual switch) which is controlled with the brctl command. The bridge can be left isolated so only VMs on the same host can communicate, or joined to a physical LAN and pass traffic at either Layer 2 ...

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Arch Linux install: libvirt with WebVirtMgr

This tutorial will cover installation and basic configuration of libvirt and QEMU to a state where it's possible to easily provision new VMs with WebVirtMgr. It will be a minimalist install with as few dependencies as possible to keep the host easy to maintain. WebVirtMgr is not perfect, but is the best lightweight web GUI around at the moment. See the GitHub page for ...

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Arch Linux install: btrfs root with snapshots

The following tutorial will show the steps to create an Arch Linux system booting from the Btrfs file system. Btrfs is quite different from the Linux standard Ext3/4, and much closer to the UNIX focused ZFS in design and features. The Wikipedia article is a good introduction for those unfamiliar with how ...

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